Physical Therapy Services


Movement is the only cure for musculoskeletal pain and disability. Physical Therapists at Samuel Simmonds Memorial Hospital work to reduce pain and improve daily function and recreation.


The SSMH Physical Therapy Department is staffed with two physical therapists, a physical therapist assistant, and a physical therapist technician. We are here to assist patients of all ages, from infants to elders, in healing most ailments or injuries. We treat a variety of conditions, including chronic pain, musculoskeletal disorders, post-surgical, and neurological conditions. Our services cover outpatient, inpatient, and “swing-bed”, which allows a patient to stay in the hospital and get physical therapy while recovering from an illness or surgery, such as total knee replacement.


Our department has a wide variety of specialized equipment, including a NuStep, treadmill, recumbent bicycle, and upper extremity ergometer. In addition, we have a variety of tools used to challenge balance, strengthen weak muscles, and improve posture.


We have many tools to help alleviate chronic and acute pain, such as trigger point dry needling, electrical stimulation, therapeutic ultrasound, and cold or hot packs are commonly used to decrease pain.



SSMH Main Line: 907 852 4611

Direct Line: 907 852 9162

Fax Number: 907 852 9168



8:00am – 5:00pm, Monday – Friday

The last patient is scheduled at 4:00pm.

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